Dear Colleagues,
welcome to Toruń and the Juliusz Schauder Medal Awarding Ceremony!
In 1991 a group of Toruń mathematicians took the initiative to establish the Juliusz Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies. It was located at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and its most important aims are: supporting mathematical research in Nonlinear Analysis and Fixed Point Theory, editing an international journal Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis and the series Lecture Notes in Nonlinear Analysis, and popularising of mathematics (in particular among young people).
As a part of its activity, the Schauder Center is awarding the Schauder Center is awarding the Juliusz Schauder Medal to outstanding mathematicians for scientific achievements and contributions to nonlinear analysis and its applications. The winners of previous editions of the Medal were
- professor Jean Mawhin (2012),
- professor Paul Rabinowitz (2014),
- professor Edward Norman Dancer (2017).
The jury, appointed by the Scientific Council of the Juliusz P. Schauder Center for Nonlinear Studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland, carried out a careful evaluation of the candidate and unanimously decided to award the 2020 Juliusz Schauder Medal to
from the University of Torino, Italy
in recognition of her outstanding development of variational methods and contributions to dynamics of differential equations, in particular for n-body problems, nonlinear reaction diffusion equations as well as Schrödinger systems.
The decision of the jury has met the full support and the approval from all the members of the Council.
In 2020 the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians was estabilished. The prize in the first edition of the competition will also be awarded during the same ceremony. The jury of the first edition of the competition for the Juliusz Schauder Prize for young mathematicians decided to award the Prize to
(CNRS and LAGA, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)
Taking into account the very high level of submitted applications, the jury together with the Director of the Center decided to establish additional distinctions in the competition:
- for Maciej Starostka (Gdańsk University of Technology) – First Distinction,
- for Wojciech Górny (Warsaw University) and Marcin Sroka (Jagiellonian University) – Second Distinction.
The main sponsor for the awards for young mathematicians is the University Center of Excellence "Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence".
The prize awarding ceremony will be held online via the BigBlueButton platform. The participation is free of costs and all registered participants will get the access code to the meeting room. We encourage everyone interested in the participation to register.
We also invite you to the webinar which will be held online on June 18, 2021, from 12:00 to 15:00, and will be devoted to the presentation of the scientific achievements of the three Awardees: Maciej Starostka, Wojciech Górny, and Marcin Sroka. For more details, see the News tab.
The Scientific Committee
The Organizing Committee
Partners and Sponsors